Aug 26, 2005

Great Day For Football

Today was awesome. We had a little scrimmage/social gathering for the team. All the parents came to watch and were harangued by my mother and the ol' head coach about why our team is so great and why they should support us. Got a whole lot of playing time, too. Looks like I'm not going to be starting in game #1, but that can change, at least I'm going to get to play, and that's what counts -- even if it is on the Field Goal team. I was hoping to get some pictures, but the cameraman of the family (aka My Dad) was unexpectedly volunteered to film the team for game film and was unable to get any, but that's alright. In fact the whole world is alright. I'm currently sitting here blogging, in the dark(which is how I like it); late at night while everybody else is asleep. The quiet solitude provides a great atmosphere for reflection, as well as listeninng to James Taylor and other folk music. And speaking of folk music, if you like that particular genre then perhaps you should check out Bindlestiff Records. It is run by a man named Brian Holbrook , who is also an artist for the label, and is a great source of folk music. You might know Mr. Holbrook better by his pseudonym, Goldfalcon. It's good music, trust me.

Also, HOLY SMOKES! I am past 2000 visitors for the site. Outstanding! Frankly, I'm amazed that I even have one visitor. Thank you very much to all those who have helped me out here. A special thank you to ~K(who has been a big regular guest, and has offered good advice), to Mustang23(without whom, none of the Jerky craziness would have been possible), JP(aka BFN), Goldfalcon(who's been a big supporter), Tyler(who's a regular), Neptunus Lex(I don't believe an explanation is needed), IdahoJoe, and anybody else who I may have forgotten. If you are a new visitor, welcome, and stay as long as you like.

Have a nice weekend everyone. I going to continue relaxing and listening to folk music, and anything else that comes up in my iTunes player.

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